4 H Beef Calves for Sale in Michigan

DTN Livestock News
DTN Cattle Prices/Trends 05/27 08:ten
DTN Early on Give-and-take Livestock Comments 05/27 06:21
DTN Midday Livestock Comments 05/26 xi:45
DTN Endmost Livestock Comment 05/26 xvi:05
CME Feeder Cattle Index 05/26
Weekly Beef Export Sales 05/26 07:37
DTN Livestock Stats at a Glance
DTN Hog Prices/Trends 05/27 08:20
Family Business concern Matters 04/05 05:00

DTN Ag Headline News
Moo-cow-Calf Producers Face Drought Issues
Soil Problems Plague Farmers
USDA Takes on Meat, Poultry Contest
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Illinois Wheat Estimated at 68.56 bpa
Worldwide Wheat Woes
Farmers to EPA: Need Partners, Not Regs
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BQA Certification Opportunities
UW-Madison's Division of Extension and the Wisconsin Beef Quango will be hosting a limited number of in-person Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) certification meetings. To attend the in-person meetings, farmers must register 7 days in accelerate as attendance is limited based on room capacity and to follow electric current COVID guidelines. To find dates/locations of meetings, go to http://www.beeftips.com/cattlemens-corner/beefiness-quality-assurance/bqa-registration-grade/?clearache=1

Due to limited room chapters for in-person meetings, it is suggested that one person per subcontract participate. This individuals' certification will cover other family members and employees associated with the same farm. Note that for all Extension meetings, masks and social distancing may be required.

BQA Certificate Expired?
If so, please get to BQA.org to renew today. If you do not accept admission to the internet, contact your local market place staff equally they tin can assist yous in completing or renewing online.

Once renewed, please be sure to send updated certificate to BQA@equitycoop.com. Give thanks you!

BQA Requirements
NOTICE >>> 1 of our largest buyers only purchase cattle from suppliers who have been certified in a BQA (Beef Quality Assurance) or Farm plan. This requirement is implemented in all markets (including non-Equity markets) and all private treaty transactions.

Equity announces BQA certification status during sales. Please keep your certification status updated with your local market.

BQA certification can be achieved by logging in on the BQA website at http://world wide web.bqa.org and signing up for one of the complimentary courses which best fit your particular operation. These courses are based on industry accepted practices that a vast bulk of producers currently apply.

Upon certification or re-certification, please provide your name and the proper noun of any entity you sell nether, every bit well as your address, telephone number, certification number and expiration date to us at Equity, so we can make the proper announcement at the fourth dimension of auction. Yous may contact your local Equity auction market, Equity field representative, Equity's home part (800-362-3989), or e-mail us at BQA@equitycoop.com. Thank you for your attention.

BQA/FARM Data Sheet

COVID-19 Bulletin
Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Association continues to go along the wellness and safety of employers, producers, and buyers its top priority. For current COVID-19 guidelines please click on COVID-19 Message

InFocus Genetics Program
We are excited to have teamed up with ABS to provide an opportunity for dairy producers to amend the marketability of feeder calves through the InFocus genetics program. If you are interested in learning more than near the benefits of our program, please click here for the brochure. Call (800) 362-3989, ext. 131 with whatsoever questions.

2022 Scholarship Recipients

Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Association has announced the names of 9 college students who will receive $ane,250 scholarships, and two technical college students whowill receive $1,000 scholarships.
The winners were chosen from more 37 applicants this year. The scholarships are funded through Equity Cooperative Livestock Sales Association and then selected by the Federated Youth Foundation.
To be eligible, students and/or their parents/grandparents are patron members of Disinterestedness Cooperative Livestock. "As we look  toward the time to come of agronomics, our board of directors go on to be dedicated to helping today'southward youth become tomorrow's leaders," says Short Larson, President/CEO. "Congratulations and best wishes for a successful hereafter."

2022 Scholarship Recipients


A business that is owned and run jointly by its members, who share the profits or benefits. Here are the seven cooperative principles:

  • Voluntary and open membership
  • Democratic member control
  • Fellow member economic participation
  • Autonomy and independence
  • Didactics, preparation and information
  • Cooperation amongst cooperatives
  • Concern for the customs


Source: http://www.equitycoop.com/

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